Walnut Grove R-V School District Health and Wellness Assessment
July 3, 2024
These questions were reviewed by the Health and Wellness Committee to see if any revisions, deletions or substitutions were needed to current policies:
Are the goals of physical education and nutrition education being met through school and after school curriculum? YES
Is physical and nutritional education available during summer months? NO
Do we feel that the students’ nutritional needs are met through the Food Service Program? YES
Do our students have adequate space, time and an enjoyable climate to eat? YES
Are handouts or flyers available to parents and staff concerning exercise and nutrition? YES
Are developmentally appropriate health related assessments introduced to students to prepare them for future assessments? YES – annual health expo and through physical education assessments
Does the health office send reminders or notices to parents when regular immunizations required by school policy are due? YES
Is the health office aware of resources to recommend to community and school populations? YES
Have health related training been made available to interested health office staff? YES
Are any changes recommended at this time? Committee members met July 3, 2024. Policy was reviewed and it was decided that no changes are needed at this time.
Committee Members
Rory Henry - Superintendent
Lexi Medley - School Nurse
Eric Sechler - Physical Education Instructor
Dawna Miller - Food Service Director
Kristie Holman - Parent
Montana McVay - Student