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Emily Woody
JH/HS Principal; Transportation Director; District Testing Coordinator
417-788-2543 ext. 3002
Mike Abbott
Bus Driver
Bruce Blakemore
Agriculture Education Teacher, Freshman Class & FFA Sponsor
417-788-2543 ext. 3058
Sandy Branstetter
K-12 Business & Computer Teacher; Freshman Class, FBLA, & Yearbook Sponsor; Social Media Director
(417) 788-2543 ext. 3004
Jessica Fortner
Paraprofessional; Public Speaking; Study Skills; Reading; Hunter Safety; 6th gr Class Sponsor
(417) 788-2543 ext. 3014
Madison Freeze
JH ELA; Librarian; 8th gr Class Sponsor; Literature Bowl Sponsor
417-788-2543 ext. 3009
Jennifer Gilkey
417-788-2543 ext. 1008
Jerry Glenn
Bus Driver
Denise Gregg
Family & Career Science Teacher, Sophomore Class & FCCLA Sponsor
417-788-2543 ext. 3024
Angelique Hamilton
HS English, Junior Class, Literature Bowl, & NHS Sponsor
417-788-2543 ext. 3003